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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Looking Great At Age 50

As you hit age 50, you may begin to worry about your body and those extra pounds you've put on over the years, your face, the fine lines and wrinkles that are beginning to appear, and even your energy level. However, just because you're 50 doesn't mean you have to look your age or feel your age. There are some practical tips that you can use right away to have you looking and feeling younger and more vibrant than before. Let's have a look at these tips right now.

Tip 1

Let's start with exercise. Over the years, most of us will put on an extra pound or two. Exercise can not only help you lose those extra pounds but it can also improve your muscle tone, and with improved muscle tone you'll look sleeker and younger. Besides, muscle burns more calories than fat so by toning your muscles you are also going to have better success losing weight.

Exercise does more than just tone your body's looks. It increases your energy and stamina, oxygenates the blood and thus produces healthier looking skin, so your skin will look younger.

There are many different types of exercise that you can participate in. Yoga has quickly become popular because of its ability to tone and shape as well as relax you. Another very popular and very effective option is the 5 Tibetan rites, which is a powerful program for the mind, body, and spirit. If you aren't familiar with it, you should be!

Tip 2

A low GI diet is going to have you looking and feeling younger. The problem with too many of our diets is that they are heavy on foods which are high GI, so you should know what these are.
Processed foods and simple carbohydrates like white bread, refined breakfast cereals, rice crackers, biscuits, white potatoes and sugar are all high GI carbohydrates and they aren't good for the body.

These high GI carbohydrates causes a spike in insulin with causes fat gain, also increased oxidation and thus aging of the body, including the skin. Instead, choose low GI foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables, multigrain breads, and yoghurt. Following a low GI diet will have you healthier on the inside and out.

Tip 3

Our modern world leaves most of us stressed all the time and most of us don't take the time to unwind and nothing will age you faster. And stress, through increased production of cortisol and decreased production of DHEA, causes your body and skin to age faster.

An easy solution is to take just five minutes out of your busy day and meditate. Of course, the longer the better, but see if you can even manage to grab five minutes at your desk, after an exercise session or even while you're making supper. It will do your inner and outer beauty a world of good.

Tip 4

Do plenty of the things that you enjoy. Many of us at age 50 are still working hard, and we often forget the importance of doing the things we love, to pursue those hobbies we're interested in, and spending quality time with friends.

When we enjoy ourselves and feel great, it's not only good for our minds, it's also good for our body! When we have fun, we produce the hormones that are anti aging, and we reduce the aging hormones. So remember to schedule in some time for the things you love, and get that balance between work and play right. When you feel great, everyone can see it on your face.

So there you have it.

Just because your 50 doesn't mean you need to look it. You now know some simple yet important tips on looking and feeling great at whatever age you are. Whether you're 50 or not even there yet, consider these tips and put them into practice to look and feel great.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Pilates Slims Your Silhouette

Natural beauty
Pilates promotes a longer, leaner body line just as yoga does, because it involves stretching, bending, and twisting the body while developing core strength. But Pilates is not particularly aerobic, so if you are looking for a big calorie burn, use Pilates as an adjunct exercise to running, walking, biking, or using a fitness machine at the gym. Pilates plus aerobic exercise makes for a comprehensive fitness plan, since Pilates increases strength and flexibility and can prevent injuries and improve athletic performance in the same way as regular yoga practice. Many athletes find the emphasis on core body strength in Pilates helps them in their other sports.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Natural Beauty Secrets - The Benefits of Natural Beauty

Natural Beauty
Women all over the world are literally dying to know natural beauty secrets.The truth is, natural beauty secrets are not really all that secret. Everywhere a woman looks, she can find all natural ways to become someone that is truly beautiful.

A couple of the biggest beauty secrets entail nothing more than loving yourself for precisely who you are, including all of the imperfections whatever you may think they are.

There are so many benefits of natural beauty secrets. If you forget about what others think and make the decision to love yourself for exactly who you are,just the way you are and make an effort to do so daily, your self confidence will soar. Then you will be a happier person.

Everyone wants a better quality of life. For some women, they feel that if they just looked like that model or such-and-such celebrity, they would have everything they could possibly want and more. They feel that sort of beauty will open doors for them. In reality, while beauty might open a few doors, those doors will quickly be shut if you're ugly on the inside.

The old saying," beauty is only skin deep", still holds true today.A woman who is dedicated to getting what she wants and feels she deserves will go much farther in this life than one who relies on her good looks alone.

Another benefit of the natural beauty secret is of being happy with who you are at the end of the day, when all is said and done, you only have yourself. If you don't like yourself as a person, you can't expect anyone else to like you, either. While some may immediately be drawn to you because of your perceived beauty, they will quickly leave once they realize how poisonous your personality is. You'll wind up alone, with only a mirror for company.

Stop letting others dictate what you should wear, how you should look, or how you should act. Don't let the media or advertising executives who don't even know you tell you what to do with your life and body.Its up to you and you alone to make the choice as to what's best for you. That is the real natural beauty secret.